Friday, February 12, 2016

Yingli Solar

Since Chinese solar panel makers Suntech and LDK Solar filed for bankruptcy protection in 2013 and 2014, respectively, the solar panel business has gotten more stable. Manufacturing overcapacity has dropped, but Chinese makers that expanded rapidly until about 2011 continue to be plagued with too much capacity and too little demand.
The next casualty appears to be Yingli Green Energy Holding Co. (NYSE: YGE), which said Wednesday that it had received a notice from the New York Stock Exchange that the company is not in compliance with its rule for continued listing because the stock’s share price has fallen below $1.00 per ADS for a period of 30 consecutive days.

Yingli has six months from the date of the August 13 notice to regain compliance. The company said it expects to notify the NYSE that it intends to cure its price deficiency within the prescribed periode

China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MITI) said on Wednesday that it expects the country’s solar makers to accelerate consolidation as market conditions continue to shift. MITI also said it expects “steady growth” in the country’s solar industry in the second half of the year, according to a report from Bloomberg.
The central planners of MITI may expect more consolidation, but under the country’s local control rules, it is difficult for the solar makers to take the necessary steps, given a local government’s drive to make itself look good by keeping employment numbers up. Closing a solar manufacturing plant does not make the powers-that-be look good.
Yingli’s ADSs traded down more than 9% Friday morning, at around $0.83 in a 52-week range of $0.72 to $4.03. The company’s market cap is about $150 million at that price. The ADSs hit an all-time high of $41.50 in December of 2007 and dropped to around $13.50 in February 2011, before skidding to the recent sub-$1.00 price range.

Energy Balancing system with multiple DC voltage hardware requirement & Small Inverter.

One Key sucses off system is balancing. Many system. Off grid sucsesfully implemented by good balancing. Software make easier to make balancing. Sample use PV syst. Detail user need, solar radiation, inclination, Location coordinat and loses system. Average cost off grid system 7-10USD per watt. It's difficult to decrease. The most high cost is battrey or energy storage and inverter.

 We can cost down DC off grid system by using DC load direct by using DC harware.
1.LED Lamp DC 12 Volt.
2.DC TV. 12Volt.
3.DC Air Conditioner.
4.DC Computer system. CPU&LED.19 Volt = using converter 12-19Volt.
5.DC phone charger.
6.Using Smaller Inverter off grid only for load with no DC system.

The step can significant decrease cost of system off grid photovoltaic system.
For cheaper mounting system using roof top. For energy storage using Lithium battrey is better in life time (Charge-discharge more than 1000cycle) and higer temperature up to 45 degree celcius.
Using software only for PV and battrey calculation. For electrical system can develop manually. Because limit of software.

Friday, February 5, 2016


Jakarta, Pada 11-12 Februari 2016, berkolaborasi dengan dunia internasional, Pemerintah Indonesia berencana meluncurkan program 5000 megawatt (MW) energi surya bernilai investasi US$7 miliar, saat Bali Clean Energy Forum (BCEF).
Bersamaan dengan itu, akan dilakukan pula, peluncuran Centre of Excellence Energi Bersih, virtual lounge.
BCEF ditargetkan mampu menjadi titik awal Indonesia untuk mulai melibatkan dunia internasional dalam upaya pengembangan energi bersih.
“Pemerintah Indonesia, dalam hal ini Menteri ESDM, telah mengirimkam undangan kepada 81 Menteri Energi untuk menghadiri acara tersebut,” ujar Ketua Tim Percepatan Energi Baru dan Terbarukan (EBT), William P. Sabandar, di Kantor Direktorat Jenderal Ketenagalistrikan Kementerian ESDM, Selasa (22/12/2015), dirilis Kementerian ESDM.
Ia menjelaskan, BCEF mengundang para pemimpin negara, pemimpin bisnis, dan ahli, untuk bersama-sama berdiskusi, merumuskan apa yang harus dilakukan agargap teknologi di bidang energi bersih dapat dihilangkan.
Selain itu, sambungnya, BCEF dapat mewujudkan pusat data informasi energi bersih, proyek-proyek yang dipantau dan difasilitasi, serta menjadi tempat kolaborasi pembelajaran seputar pengembangan energi bersih di masa depan.
“Kolaborasi transfer energi yang cepat kita lakukan, karena untuk mendapatkan target energi nasional 23 persen untuk mencapai target COP 21 atau komitmen energi bersih kita, dibutuhkan revolusi teknologi dan inovasi. Jika tidak maka tidak dapat mencapai itu,” terang William.
Sementara itu, Menteri Energi dan Sumberdaya Mineral (ESDM), Sudirman Said, mengatakan, BCEF diharapkan semakin mendorong Indonesia untuk melakukan reformasi di bidang finansial energi, teknologi, dan sumberdaya manusia.
“Pekerjaan rumah terbesar kita adalah me-reform aturan, seperti aturan tarif,” pungkasnya.
Ekonomi Maritim Berdaya Dukung Energi Bersih
Energi bersih menjadi daya dukung penting perekonomian maritim. Kementerian ESDM tengah mengembangkan model pembangunan infrastruktur energi dan listrik untuk kluster ekonomi maritim.
“Kementerian ESDM mengembangkan model pembangunan infrastruktur energi dan listrik untuk kluster ekonomi maritim yang sementara ini telah dibangun proyek percontohan di beberapa wilayah barat, tengah, dan timur Indonesia. Salah satunya adalah Aceh Jaya,” ungkap Kepala Badan Litbang Kementerian ESDM, FX Sutijastoto, saat Perayaan Hari Nusantara, di Pendopo Gubernur Provinsi Aceh, Banda Aceh, Minggu (6/12/2015).
Menurutnya, proyek percontohan diharapkan dapat dikembangkan di wilayah-wilayah lain, terutama di wilayah pesisir serta pulau-pulau kecil dan pulau-pulau terdepan.
Ia mengatakan, Kementerian ESDM mendukung pembangunan techno park di Provinsi Aceh yang akan menjadi contoh pengembangan ekonomi maritim berdaya dukung energi bersih.
“Selain itu, kita juga akan mendukung pembangunan techno park di wilayah Aceh yang merupakan kerja sama dengan Kemenko Maritim dan Kemenristek. Insyaallah, nanti, 2016, techno park ini bisa terbangun dan menjadi percontohan, bagaimana ekonomi maritim didukung oleh energi bersih, yaitu tenaga surya dan tenaga angin,” papar Sutijastoto.
Sebagai bagian dari peringatan Hari Nusantara ke-15, tambahnya, pemerintah telah membangun jaringan listrik di kawasan Pelabuhan Lampulo, termasuk penerangan lampu surya.
“Insyaallah, akan ada pembangungan PLTS (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya) untuk Lampulo,” pungkasnya.


The Jakarta Post – BALI TO HOST CLEAN ENERGY FORUM Bali will host the first international forum on clean energy on Feb. 11 to 12. Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry secretary general Teguh Pamuji said on Saturday that the forum will bring together 45 energy ministers and some 1,000 representatives from 80 countries. Bali was selected as the host location for the forum based on the fact that Bali is a province that has successfully developed clean energy, he said. “Hopefully, Bali’s spirit to develop new and renewable clean energy can be disseminated to other provinces,” he said. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo will open the meeting, Teguh said, adding that it will be titled Bali Clean Energy Forum. The forum will comprise of five pillars. The first pillar will serve as a forum for ministers to discuss a policy on new energy. The second pillar will serve as a forum for world experts, expected to provide input to participating governments, to discuss clean and environmentally friendly energy development. The third pillar will serve as a forum for representatives from the energy sectors and the fourth pillar will serve as a forum for the community and is expected to improve the public’s knowledge of clean energy, he said. Meanwhile, the fifth pillar will serve as a forum for youth, whom forum organizers hope will contribute to discussions.



LCOE (levelized cost of energy) is one of the utility industry’s primary metrics for the cost of electricity produced by a generator. It is calculated by accounting for all of a system’s expected lifetime costs (including construction, financing, fuel, maintenance, taxes, insurance and incentives), which are then divided by the system’s lifetime expected power output (kWh). All cost and benefit estimates are adjusted for inflation and discounted to account for the time-value of money. As a financial tool, LCOE is very valuable for the comparison of various generation options. A relatively low LCOE means that electricity is being produced at a low cost, with higher likely returns for the investor. If the cost for a renewable technology is as low as current traditional costs, it is said to have reached “Grid Parity“. LCOE Estimates for Renewable Energy When an electric utility plans for a conventional plant, it must consider the effects of inflation on future plant maintenance, and it must estimate the price of fuel for the plant decades into the future. As those costs rise, they are passed on to the ratepayer. A renewable energy plant is initially more expensive to build, but has very low maintenance costs, and no fuel cost, over its 20-30 year life. As the following 2012 U.S. Govt. forecast illustrates, LCOE estimates for conventional sources of power depend on veryuncertain fuel cost estimates. These uncertainties must be factored into LCOE comparisons between different technologies.LCOE estimates may or may not include the environmental costs associated with energy production. Governments around the world have begun to quantify these costs by developing various financial instruments that are granted to those who generate or purchase renewable energy. In the United States, these instruments are called Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). To learn more about environmental costs, visit our Greenhouse Gas page. LCOE estimates do not normally include less tangible risks that may have very large effects on a power plant’s actual cost to ratepayers. Imagine, for example, the LCOE estimates used for nuclear power plants in Japan before the Fukushima incident, compared to the eventual costs for those plants. Location An important determination of photovoltaic LCOE is the system’s location. The LCOE of a system built in Southern Utah, for example, is likely to be lower than that of an identical system built in Northern Utah. Although the cost of building the two systems may be similar, the system with the most access to the sun will perform better, and deliver the most value to its owner. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory map below illustrates the differences in solar resources across the country. As you can see, Utah’s available solar energy is quite high, compared to most of the country.System technology and design also affect LCOE. Two apparently similar systems in the same location may produce very different financial results. Some panels, for example, perform better in low-light or high heat conditions than other systems, and some systems are built to deliver a higher percentage of the electricity produced to the user. Over the life of a system, these differences can be significant. Component prices for photovoltaic systems have fallen drastically over the last two years. With currently-available tax incentives, a well-priced, well-designed system can easily provide a very satisfactory return on one’s investment. The same rule applies to wind’s levelized cost. Wind turbines located on one side of a valley may be far more economical than turbines located on the other side of the same valley. An understanding of prevailing wind patterns is critical is a critical component of the planning process. The LCOE for wind power has fallen below the cost of traditional alternatives in many locations. Watch the short“Winds of Change” clip on our Videos page. If you would like to try out a simple LCOE calculator provided by the National Renewable Energy Labs, use this link: LCOE Calculator. The calculator is easy to use, and can help you understand how changes in assumptions affect LCOE results.

Future Off Grid In Indonesia

Indonesia is a large archipelago located at the south-east of mainland Asia, between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. The country’s territory encompasses over 17,500 large and small islands with total land area about 1.91 million square kilometres. It is home for 250 million people and is the world fourth largest populous nation.
More than 62 million people or almost one third of Indonesia inhabitants are lack of access to electricity. These people mostly live in rural areas and the outer islands. Most power generation today is from convention thermal sources including fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas. Indonesia’s current installed power capacity is at 52GW and the government has an ambitious plan to increase another 35GW in another five years. Demand is expected to grow at an average of 8.4% p.a. due to rapid urbanisation and industrialisation.
Today, renewable energy accounts for a small but growing portion of Indonesia’s electricity portfolio. The Government of Indonesia (GoI) has announced a medium term target for increasing the share of renewable energy in total energy mix to 25% by 2025. This means that massive new investment in power generation capacity is being developed using renewable energy. Indonesia is also planning to significantly increase investments in the energy sector including $38billion in the renewable energy sector.
The hosting of the Renewable Energy for Indonesia 2015 (RE4I 2015) is set to provide a platform for potential investors to understand the key development issues of investing in Indonesia’s renewable energy sector; get updated on the new market directions, opportunities and economic priorities of the Indonesia’s renewable energy sectors at the same to build potential business networks with the local authorities and industry players.

Economy Grow as Emition Drop

For the last 40 years, whenever the world economy grew, so did the Earth’s carbon dioxide levels, just up until last year. The International Energy Agency (IEA) announced that in 2014, the economy grew however CO2 levels didn’t.

In the past, reductions in greenhouse gas emissions was due to economic downturns. This because economic growth is tightly linked to energy use, which in turn affects emissions. In other words, if the economy went sour, so did the climate.

Last year, global carbon dioxide emissions reached 32.3 billion tons, an amount equal to 2013’s levels. During the 40 years the IEA has been collecting data, there have only been three other periods in history when atmospheric CO2 levels has not risen; the early 1980s, 1992, and 2009. However, these years were also associated with global economic instability, and in 2014, the global economy grew by 3 percent, according to the IEA.

“This gives me even more hope that humankind will be able to work together to combat climate change, the most important threat facing us today,” IEA chief economist Fatih Birol said in a statement.

Countries by carbon dioxide emissions in thousands of tonnes per annum, via the burning of fossil fuels (blue the highest).
Countries by carbon dioxide emissions in thousands of tonnes per annum, via the burning of fossil fuels (blue the highest).
The shift is largely due to China’s increased use of green resources and efforts by countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to promote sustainable forms of energy, according to the IEA. Per-person energy use in the US is also expected to decline as the gross domestic product increases.

This doesn’t mean the fight is over. Carbon dioxide levels in the Earth’s atmosphere reached record highs in 2013, and greenhouse gas continues to affect climate change. However, as Birol notes, the data provides a “much-needed momentum for negotiators preparing to forge a global climate deal” at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in December.

More details on the data and analysis will be included in an IEA special report on energy and climate that will be released on 15 June in London. The report will provide decision-makers with analysis of the different national climate pledges in the context of the recent downturn in fossil fuel prices, suggest pragmatic policy measures to advance climate goals without blunting economic growth, and assess adaptation needs, including in the energy sectors of China and India.

“The latest data on emissions are indeed encouraging, but this is no time for complacency – and certainly not the time to use this positive news as an excuse to stall further action,” said IEA Executive Director Maria van der Hoeven.

The future of Solar is Bright

It is now a question of how and where, not if, solar becomes a dominant force in energy markets.

The technology is improving so fast that it has attracted the attention of some really big players lately. Michael Parker and Flora Chang, at Sanford Bernstein an independent investment research and brokerage firm, say we are entering a new order of “global energy deflation” that must ineluctably erode the viability of oil, gas and the fossil fuel over time. In the 1980s solar development was stopped in its tracks by the slump in oil prices. By now it has surely crossed the threshold irreversibly.

Clean Energy Trends says new solar installations overtook wind turbines worldwide last year, where China alone accounted for a third. Wind is still ahead with 2.5 times in old capacity, but it is estimated that solar will surpass wind in total in 2021 as prices on solar panels keep falling.

A recent McKinsey study said the average cost of installing solar panels in the US have dropped almost 50% over the last four years, and will continue to drop an additional 80% by 2020. This will put solar within striking distance of coal and gas.

The technology momentum goes only one way. “Eventually solar will become so large that there will be consequences everywhere,” Parker and Chang sais. This remarkable overthrow of everything we take for granted in world energy politics may occur within “the better part of a decade”.

Even the oil magnates of the Arab world, the Saudis themselves are betting on solar – investing heavily enough to cover 30% of their energy needs by 2030 rather than burning fossil fuel needed for exports.

This is a remarkable twist of history. Just six years ago we faced an oil shock with crude trading and prices spiking. The rise of a motorized China, with an estimated new 400 million people getting behind the wheel for the first time, the demands on oil seemed impossible to meet. Today we can imagine another future of the Chinese car fleet – one where vehicles are electric, charged by solar energy.

Often as a spin-off from electric car ventures, battery storage costs also keeps dropping. Sanford Bernstein says it may not be long before home energy storage is cheap enough to pull households off the grid across the world – personal energy for everyone!

At Sundaya we think the future is looking brighter by the day. We agree with the research – solar is the energy of the future, and personal energy is the mode of travel!

What do you think of the future of energy? Leave you comments below!

How Personal energy change word

In countries where the energy infrastructure is under-developed and few towns are adequately electrified, extending the grid is often not financially viable, and certainly not likely to happen any time soon. Currently some 1.4 billion people are living without electricity. In sub-Saharan Africa, only 8% of the population in rural areas have access to electricity but personalized energy could change all of that!

As the cost of solar energy in rural Africa, parts of India and other countries in Asia has fallen dramatically in recent years, setting up personalized energy systems is quickly becoming the cheapest and most effective way of providing electricity.

In Mauritania, of the Western coast of Africa, the people living in the small fishing villages of Bellewakh, Lemcid, Loubeir and Lemhaijratt are currently getting by with candles, kerosene lamps and car batteries for lighting. They also use both costly and dangerous canisters of butane to run refrigeration units. This however is all about to change.

These remote villages are, as many other places in Africa, to isolate for any electrical grid to ever reach them, however by installing solar panels, and using solar energy these places are now starting to get electrified. The financing is often done through private investors, and international relief organizations but also a in part from micro lending.

The cost effectiveness of renewable energy has really changed the marketplace. The prices have fallen rapidly over the last couple of years, enabling projects like the one in Mauritania to get funded and launched.

Once the fishermen in Lemcid start producing their own person energy they will no longer be forced to purchase expensive kerosene or explosive and potentially lethal butane in order to provide for the household needs. Harvesting their own energy frees up not only money (not spent on kerosene) but also time that can be spent fishing an extra few hours, providing more money for the family.

Solar Emply more than coal

There are now more people working in the solar industry than there are coal miners in the US, according to Politifact.

They cite the Solar Foundation, a nonprofit, which counted 142,698 employees in November of 2013 who spend “at least 50% of their time supporting solar-related activities.”
For coal, they reference a 2013 report from U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration saying there were 123,227 coal mining jobs in the U.S.

Companies like Apple are now buying mass quantities of solar energy, as its production costs have fallen far enough in some regions to compete economically with fossil fuels.

SolarCity, the largest installer of residential solar systems in the U.S., nearly doubled its workforce last year, hiring 4,000 people to do everything from system design and site surveys to installation and engineering.

The hiring spree at SolarCity isn’t slowing; it’s picking up speed as the company attempts to install twice as many rooftop solar systems than last year and readies its 1.2 million-square foot factory in New York, which is scheduled to reach full production in 2017.

The solar industry is however still dwarfed by the 9.8 million workers that are employed the oil and gas industry, according to the American Petroleum Industry.

One out of every 78 new jobs created in the U.S. over the past 12 months were created by the solar industry, representing nearly 1.3 percent of all jobs created in the country. Solar companies surveyed for the fifth annual census plan to add another 36,000 employees this year.

Do Solar Panel Work in rain?

Solar panels generate the most electricity on clear days with abundant sunshine, but do solar panels work in cloudy weather as well?

As anyone who has received a sunburn on an overcast day can tell you, much of the sun’s light still gets through to the Earth even if there are clouds in the sky.  It’s that same light that is responsible for creating energy in solar panels.

So, the answer is not surprisingly “Yes”. Solar panels work as long as they receive light, how faint or dim the light may be.

On a cloudy day, the average solar panel will produce in between 10-25% of their rated capacity. The exact amount will vary depending on the density of the clouds, and also by the type of solar panel. Different panels can be designed to catch more or less of the spectrum emitted by the sun. The broader the spectrum the better the panel will be at capturing light, and generate electricity.

Sundaya’s solar panels have been designed to capture as much of the incoming spectrum as possible, capturing blue and red wavelengths that normally may be omitted. This allows our panels to operate both in cloudy as well as rainy days, though be it with limited capacity.

When measuring with which speed a solar panel will recharge a battery, you usually measure in energy yield per full day. However since days turn into night, and some days may be partially cloudy, you need to find a equalized measurement that accommodates for the changes in incoming light. One proven method to solve this is to count backwards, and just say how many hours of direct sunlight a panel needs to fully recharge a battery. At Sundaya we display all of this information on the back of our panels.
If you want to recharge a 30 kJ battery for instance, you would need to receive 3 hours of direct sunlight for a full charge.  Now if its heavily cloudy and raining, and the efficiency drops to 25% it would take 12 hours for a full charge. The battery would still recharge it would just take longer.

Since all our Sundaya products are waterproof as well, you can with no concern leave your panel out in the rain. It will recharge you batteries perfectly fine, it may just take a bit longer.


The world today is facing an enormous problem. We live on a finite planet with limited resources. In the early 1900’s there were 1 Billion people living on our planet. Now, only 100 years later there are 8 Billion people. It’s a simple calculation; more and more people having to share declining number of resources.
The different types of energy resources that have been used for the past 150 years have made people around the world dependent on declining and increasingly harder to obtain resources. As a result, prices keep increasing.
A yet even greater problem is the fact that people around the world, including decision makers and politicians, are suffering from “energy illiteracy”. The decisions and policies passed in one energy sector simply cannot be measured in another, and it is therefore impossible to predict what the long term effects are going to be. This is not a sustainable development.
The good news is that there is a different way. The technologies and resources already exist to solve most of the energy related problems we face today.
Part of Sundaya’s mission is to create an Energy Education Program. As we humans rely on energy every single day, energy education would greatly benefit us in our everyday lives, and is very important in shaping out future.
The objective of the education is to eradicate energy illiteracy. When people become truly energy literate they will also see that energy is actually in abundance – as long as we use the right source of energy!
The energy crisis can be easily overcome, but only if people familiarize themselves with the basic facts about energy. Energy education is the first step in the energy solution of the future.

Why do people understand length and mass but not energy?

People understand how to measure length and mass because we are faced with length and mass measurements on daily basis. From the day we were born our length and weight is recorded, and we quickly learn to quantify and analyze these units. Over time all the lengths and masses start building up an extensive database in our minds, allowing us to compare different measurements from different subjects.
Each time you hear a new length or mass, your mind automatically scans for a measurement with which to create a comparison. As such you are able to determine if a number you heard high or low, possible or impossible, big or small, or anywhere in between. In other words you are able to assign a value to the number you heard which means you understand its comparison. You are length and mass literate.

But why are most people energy illiterate?

Currently, when people talk about energy, they seldom use the correct unit of measurement for that specific type of energy. This is why people cannot compare electrical energy to other forms of energy derived from fuel, such as from oil, gas, coal etc. These are all energy types that easily can be measured in Joules.
First of all we would like to state that it absolutely no shame in being energy illiterate, especially if you are not involved in the subject on daily basis. In fact there are even many so called “energy experts” who are in fact energy illiterate, based on our definition of not being able to compare one form of energy to another form of energy.
For example oil experts who know everything about oil, and their caloric burning values, in most cases have no clue how oil compares in energy values to for example electricity. The same is true for an electrical engineer, who may know everything about electricity, but has no clue about how much energy there is in a loaf of bread in a barrel of oil.
The biggest cause for energy illiteracy is the fact that every energy industry accounts for their own energy in their own energy units:
• The oil industry counts in barrels
• The coal industry counts in cubic meters
• The gas industry count in cubic feet
• The fuel distribution industry counts in liters
• The electricity industry counts in Watts
• The solar Industry counts in Solar-Watt-Peaks
• The wind industry counts in Wind-Watts-Peaks
• The food industry counts in Calories (with a capital C)
There are close to a 100 different energy units used throughout the whole energy industry, which is why it is impossible for anyone to become truly energy literate. Not because we can’t or are unwilling to, but because nobody is able to build up enough reference points to accurately distinguish between the numbers to make sense of it all. Without our in-mind databases we simply have no reference to compare any new number to and thus we cannot judge the impact of the measurement.

How can we combat energy illiteracy?

In our view combating energy illiteracy could be very simple. If all forms of energy and energy consumption would be measured, labeled, priced and sold in one single unit of measurement then it would be very easy to compare one number with another. The best single measurement for energy would be Joule.
Example: A lamp consumes 10 kiloJoule per hour and a battery stores 50 kiloJoule: How many hours can the lamp run on the battery? 50 kiloJoule / 10 kiloJoule per hour = 5 hours
Although combating energy illiteracy could be easy, it is a huge task to get all players in the energy world on board to start measuring and labeling their products in a single measurement.
This is where you can make a difference!
By starting to think and actively measure your own energy consumption in Joules you are gradually building up your own database which to refer to. Next time someone asks you how to calculate the energy consumption of a car you will know how to answer; in Joules!
Here is a useful list of energy numbers to start building your database.
Approximate energy content
Gadgets that people use in daily life
a JouLite30kJ
a low feature phone10kJ
a smart phone25kJ
a 10″ tablet100kJ
a Laptop200kJ
Batteries people use in their toys:
an AAA-cell alkaline battery5kJ
an AA-cell alkaline battery9kJ
an C-cell alkaline battery30kJ
an D-cell alkaline battery75kJ
a Car battery2MJ
Stuff that people burn to harvest energy:
a barrel of oil5.8GJ
a ton of coal32GJ
a cubic meter of wood2.5GJ
a Liter of diesel38MJ
a liter of Gasoline34MJ
a liter of kerosene33MJ
a liter of LPG22MJ
Foods that people eat to re-energize their bodies:
(measured in servings)
water melon1.2MJ/kg
Approximate consumption numbers per passenger
Human transport
by foot200MJ/km
by bike100kJ/km
by Train (average)350kJ/km
by Train (best)80kJ/km
by Airplane (average)1400kJ/km
by Airplane (an A380 with 800 passengers)850kJ/km
by small combustion engine car2.5MJ/km
by medium size combustion engine car5MJ/km
by very big combustion engine car10MJ/km
by Tesla Roadster electric car0.5MJ/km
by Nissan Leaf0.4MJ/km
Human food consumption
by average 90kg adult man8MJ/day
by average 70kg adult woman6MJ/day
Average energy consumed by a human
thinking hard to solve a problem (brain consumption alone)60kJ/h
Energy expenditure of human gadgets
a laptop PC50kJ/h
a 10″ Tablet PC15kJ/h
a smart phone while talking3kJ/h
a Joulite while emitting 150 Lumen of light5kJ/h
Energy expenditure in human home
a 600 Lumen incandescent light bulb (+/- 60W)200kJ/h
a 600 Lumen good quality Fluorescent light bulb (+/- 7 W)25kJ/h
a 600 Lumen bad quality Fluorescent light bulb (+/- 12 W)40kJ/h
a 32″ LCD TV300kJ/h