Photovoltaics and the RoHS
Mathieu Saurat
Michael Ritthoff
Wuppertal, May2010
Position Paper
Wuppertal Institute 2010 2
Photovoltaics and the RoHS directive
Mathieu Saurat, Michael Ritthoff; Wuppertal Institute, May 2010
Over the last years, different photovoltaic (PV) technologies became commercially available,
while several others are under development. PV technologies require diverse materials to
generate electricity from sun light, including in some cases toxic materials. To date,
photovoltaics are not covered by the European Directive on the restriction of the use of
certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS directive), but
there is an ongoing discussion about whether or not the RoHS directive should be extended to
cover photovoltaics.
Against this background, the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy has
conductedan independent,scientificand open-ended as regards its outcomeposition paper on
the issue of a possible extension of the RoHS directive to photovoltaics.
1. Renewable energies and photovoltaics
The European Council endorsed at its Meeting in Brussels on8/9 March 2007 a binding target
of a 20% share of renewable energies in the overall EU energy consumption by 2020. Out of
the 24 GW of new power capacity constructed in the EU in 2008, 19% (4,700 MW) were
photovoltaics (PV) (Kautto and Jäger-Waldau 2009). This is more than the target of
cumulative installed PV system capacities that the European Union had set for itself to reach
in 2006 (3,000 GW). In 2008 the overall installed capacity of solar photovoltaic electricity
was estimated at 9,100 MW.
A varietyof technologies fall under the broadly used term “photovoltaics”. From a material
use perspective, two large groups of such technologies can be discerned: silicon-based and
non-silicon based PV. The former group comprises both crystalline and amorphous (thin film)
PV systems. The latter group is mainly composed of cadmium-telluride (CdTe) and copperindium-(gallium)-selenium (CI(G)S) cells, both thin film technologies. Since 2006 the
production of thin film PV systems hasexperienced a growth rate higherthan that of the PV
sector as a whole (Jäger-Waldau 2009).
In particular, manufacturers of CdTe PV have rapidly scaled up their production capacities.
The comparatively low costs of thin film PV systems –especially CdTe PV systems–are often
mentioned as a reason for the rapid growth of PV. However, the relatively low price of CdTe
modules is partly compensated by higher installation costs because of lower efficiency of
these thin modules compared to traditional Si-PV.
The criticality of certain materials used in these technologies can be assessed considering
their scarcity and toxicity (for humans as well as for the environment). In that respect indium,
gallium and cadmium as “rare metals”, and selenium and tellurium as “rare earths”, are
Support by the Non-Toxic Solar Alliance is appreciated.
Wuppertal Institute 2010 3
considered scarce resources. Reserves are limited (e.g. reserves of tellurium reach a mere 22
000 t, USGS 2009) and production capacities are constrained because all these elements are
primarily mined as by-products of other basic metals (copper, zinc, tin). Corresponding
production capacities present therefore a very low elasticity and shortages can occur in case of
rising demand exceeding the production volume allowed by the production of the basic
metals, which is mainly determined by non-energy markets.
PV systems can also contain lead used in solders. Cadmium (in CdTe
PV) and lead are two
toxic to highly toxic substances whose usage is severely restricted, especially in electrical and
electronic equipment. Photovoltaics, however, have escaped regulation thus far.
2. Photovoltaics and the RoHS directive
The European Directive –referred to as the RoHS directive in the following–on the restriction
of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment
forbids that, from 1 July 2006, new electrical and electronic equipment put on the market
contains cadmium and lead –inter alia. However, a restricted number of EEE types benefit
from exemptions. PV technologies, in particular, are so far excluded from the scope of the
RoHS directive. If it were to change, the immediate consequences would be that PV systems
containing cadmium (CdTe) and lead solders could no longer be imported or manufactured in
the European Union.
There are three possible options concerning the future treatment of PV technology under the
RoHS directive: i) after a clearly defined phase-out period, the same restriction on the use of
hazardous substances applies to PV technology as to other EEE; ii) PV technology is
permanently excluded from the scope of the RoHS; iii) PV producers are allowed to benefit
from “grace periods” that are periodically (e.g. every four years) examined and possibly
renewed. Of these options, only the first two should be seriously considered. The third option
would only perpetuate the uncertainty that prevails today about the future of specific PV
technologies (CdTe PV) and the use of lead in solders. In a sector that requires long term
commitments both on the production and consumption sides, this would send the wrong
signal to investors.
When considering the actual terms of the RoHS directive, and of the underlying precautionary
principle, the regulation of all PV technologies is the only option of the remaining two that
actually makes sense. Strong principles command the RoHS directive, as well as all EU
CdTe itself is not as hazardous as cadmium, but as a cadmium compound it is still
considered a hazardous substance.
of 27 January 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical
and electronic equipment.
Wuppertal Institute 2010 4
. They prescribe the following order of priority in occupational health and
environmental protection issues: (a) the substitution of hazardous material should be the top
priority; (b) if substitution is not possible, collective protection measures should be put in
place (e.g. operating below atmospheric pressure in production); (c) ultimately, measures of
individual protection apply(e.g. use of personal protection equipment).
The arguments of the proponents of the CdTe PV systems who, of course, advocate a
permanent exclusion of this technology from the RoHS directive may well be valid but they
disregard the raison d’être of the RoHS directive. Before going into details, it is worth
reminding these arguments here (Jäger-Waldau, 2009).
(1) First, proponents of the CdTe PV systems cite studies that have found that CdTe used in
PV is in an environmental stable form that, under normal use conditions and in case of
foreseeable accidents, does not leak into the environment. (2) Second, they note that LCA
studies have concluded that air emissions of cadmium from the whole life-cycle of CdTe PV
(including mining, smelting and purification) and the potential accidental emissions occurring
during residential fires are both orders of magnitude lower than cadmium emitted into air
routinely from coal and oil power plants that PV displaces. (3) Third, they use the argument
that every PV technology has some environmental, health, and safety (EHS) issues, but that
the commercial viability of any of the current PV technologies should not be restricted
because of these issues. (4) Fourth, proponents of CdTe technology rely on studies that
showed that current production of CdTe PV modules have shorter energy pay back times and
lower life cycle CO2emissions than other PV systems, e.g. crystalline silicon (c-Si) or CIGS.
They argue that a low production cost technology like CdTe PV could accelerate PV inroads
in the energy market and that a significant market penetration of any technology would help
the whole PV industry by improving the installation infrastructure and reducing the
installation cost of solar electricity. (5) Fifth and finally, CdTe advocates echo the
announcement made by leading CdTe PV producers that they offer to take back end-of-life
modules and recycle them.
Even though the arguments in favour of CdTe PV reminded in the previous section are by and
large correct, they cannot invalidate the proposal that all PV technologies ought to be
regulated under the RoHS directive, neither can these arguments prove that CdTe PV systems
need to be excluded from the RoHS directive. The directive saw the day in order to enable
reducing the content of hazardous substances (incl. cadmium and lead) in waste, and limiting
the presence of such substances in products and in production processes. Exemptions from the
directive requirements are only permitted if substitution is not possible from the scientific and
technical point of view or if the negative environmental or health impacts caused by
substitution are likely to outweigh the human and environmental benefits of the substitution.
This alone clearly imposes that cadmium (in CdTe) should be allowed in PV systems if, and
only if, all alternative PV technologies –that do not use any of the substances banned by the
Such as the COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 98/24/EC of 7 April 1998 on the protection of the
health and safety of workers from the risks related to chemical agents at work (fourteenth
individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)
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directive–can not replace CdTe PV systems in a way that is satisfactory for human health and
the environment. Therefore, the indication that CdTe in PV is in a stable form under normal
use conditions and in case of foreseeable accidents (see (1) above) is not as such an argument
in favour of CdTe PV systems, as long as substitutive technologies exist, which is the case
(silicon-based PV). As long as CdTe PV systems are allowed, there will be cadmium used in
production processes, present in consumer products, and eventually in waste streams, all
things that the directive is designed to help avoid (despite (3) above).
Furthermore, independent testing has shown that CdTe modules exhibit a high maximum
leaching potential of both cadmium and tellurium (NGI 2009a, NGI 2009b). It means that
away from normal use conditions and benign accidents, leaching of cadmium can occur. Tests
have shown that when the CdTe film is exposed to water (for example the protective glass
layers are damaged) CdTe dissolves, thus increasing the risk of leaching into the environment.
While it is true that CdTe PV displacing conventional coal and oil power generation prevents
large amounts of cadmium from being emitted into the air (see (2) above), the same stands for
other PV technologies that do not rely on CdTe, such as Si-based PV. Recent LCAs (e.g.
Fthenakis et al. 2008) show that the differences in the indirect emissions of cadmium between
different PV technologies (based on the amount of energy needed for the production of the
PV system) are very small in comparison to the emissions from conventional energy
technologies that PV could displace. Therefore, the life cycle performance regarding
cadmium emissions of different PV technologies are not that far apart as to justify an
exemption of CdTe PV from the RoHS directive.
To restrict the use of hazardous substances in EEE and to allow for strategies that stimulate
research into substitutes, are both stated aims of the RoHS directive. The exclusion of
photovoltaics from the RoHS directive may have contributed to the fact that CdTe PV
systems benefited from lower production costs compared to other cadmium-free alternative
technologies (see (4) above) to fuel their strong recent growth. Because cadmium is a wasteproduct of zinc, production does not slow down even if demand drops. Consequently,
sufficient amounts of cadmium are available and affordable for the PV industry today, in part
because it was widely banned from electronic products by the RoHS directive and from other
applications like pigment in plastics or glass because of environmental and health concerns
(USGS 2010). Therefore, part of the cadmium that could no longer be used in EEE, plastics
and glass is now to be found in the production of solar electricity from photovoltaics.
There are, however, several PV technology alternatives, all with their particular strengths and
weaknesses, and which all are continuously improved, requiring intensive targeted R&D
activities. Further delaying permanent ban on cadmium-based PV technologies will send the
wrong signal to producers and investors and deprive other technological options from the
conditions needed to ramp up production capacities and decrease production costs. Moreover,
on the consumption side, the stock of cadmium-containing PV will grow, aggravating the
issue of hazardous waste disposal at the end of their lifetime.
There is to date virtually no experience in the management of end-of-life CdTe PV systems,
or of other PV technologies. PV systems installed today are expected to last for25+ years. By
Wuppertal Institute 2010 6
the time they will need to be disposed of, the company that produced the modules may no
longer exist. The last owner of the installation may very well be different from the first buyer,
ignorant of any take-back system put in place, or reluctant to bare the costs for dismantling its
end-of-life PV system. To prevent hazardous substances from ending up in waste streams
which nobody can assure that they will be properly managed, the preferred option should
always be to refrain from using such substances in the first place.
Furthermore, for the recycling of cadmium and lead contained in photovoltaics to be
economic 25 years from now, demand will be needed for these metals at that time. However,
bans on cadmium and lead are clearly expected to reach ever further. Even if photovoltaics
were to be the last application where cadmium and lead are allowed, it will probably have
moved away from the CdTe technology by that time –e.g. organic PV may have taken over.
In the end, the problem will be that of toxic waste disposal –not recycling.
The extension of the RoHS directive to PV systems will not only influence which
semiconductors can be used, it will also restrict the use of lead in soldersin such systems. The
same reasoning as for cadmium apply. Furthermore, the development of lead-free solders for
other electronic products and components has been demonstrated and is now established.
There is no principle argument why it should not work with PV.
3. Effects of an extension of the RoHS directive to photovoltaics
3.1. Effects abroad and on international trade
The RoHS directive has a strong influence outside of the European Union. When the EU
decides to restrict the use of certain materials in electronic and electrical equipment, thiswill
lead to a worldwide phase-out on these materials in EEE, especially in products exported to
the EU. PV are exported from and imported to the EU. The RoHS directive has value of
example and has a massive influence on production world-wide.
Furthermore, coverage of PV by the RoHSdirective will not only impose a ban on hazardous
substances in semiconductors for PV but also on lead solders. Both aspects are important for
the production, the use, and –especially–the end-of-life of PV in developing countries.Even
though it might bethat some PV producers have a recycling system, cadmium and lead will
be widely banned when PV produced today reach the end of their lifetime (in 25 to 30 years).
Then, there will be no need for recycling CdTe and lead, but for a safe waste treatment.
The experience of electronic wastes shows clearly that recycling concepts developed in
industrial countries are not sufficient in a global context. A certain amount of electronic waste
will be handled in developing countries under inappropriate conditions, far away from any
kind of safe working conditions. This is highly relevant because especially cheap PV can be
an option for less developed countries and regions. It can make a basic electrification
possible, induce development in rural regions, and, to a certain degree, reduce rural
depopulation. However, considering typical circumstances in such areas, it seems unrealistic
Wuppertal Institute 2010 7
to expect collection and recycling schemes for used PV to be as reliable as in Europe.
Therefore, strict European directives forcing thesubstitution of hazardous substances not only
influence Europe but can also ensure additional protection to other regions.
3.2. Effects on competitiveness and employment
Growing and reliable solar markets around the world and especially in Europe have provided
PV manufacturers the opportunity to scale and reduce costs (Gillette 2010). On that basis,
producers of CdTe PV deployed a smart and aggressive expansion of production capacities
(incl. easily duplicable, automated large scale production centres located in countries where
costs of labour are low). This management, rather than a better technology per se, explains the
competitive price point of CdTe technology against silicon-based alternatives (Beyer et al.
2009). Therefore, a ban on cadmium and lead wouldnot hinder the photovoltaic industry to
continue improving its competitiveness.
The market share of thin film PV technologies has almost tripled globally in the past five
years (from 5.9% in 2004 to 16.7% in 2009). The exponential growth of CdTe PV was
instrumental in this trend. In 2009, CdTe photovoltaics accounted for 9% of the global PV
market, for only 1.1% in 2004. Both alternative thin film technologies (amorphous Si and
CIGS) also captured new market shares, although at a much slower rate. The drastic increase
in the number of CdTe PV installed in the past years means a quick growth of the stock of
cadmium in EEE across the world. This is a concern for the coming 25 to 30 years, but even
more for the years after, when those modules reach the end of their lifetime.
Figure 1: Global market shares of the different thin film PV technologies. CdTe, a-Si/µ-Si,
and CIGS stand for cadmium-telluride, amorphous/ microcrystallinesilicon,and copperindium-gallium-selenium, respectively.Data source: Photon (4-2008), Photon international
(3-2009, 4-2009)
Wuppertal Institute 2010 8
The cost per installed kWp was nearly halved during the last 4 years. With sustained public
incentives, the installed cost of photovoltaics is on a pathway toward grid parity. High
irradiance solar projects will reach it first. A ban on CdTe photovoltaics will not prevent this
from happening, even though it may delay it.
Figure 2: Cost of PV per installed kWp. Data source:BSW (2010)
For 2009 the employment figures in photovoltaics for the European Union were estimated in
the range of 85,000 to 90,000 (Jäger-Waldau 2009).Of this number, less than 1% correspond
to people employed in CdTe module production in Europe (Beyer et al. 2009). About two
thirds of the employees in the photovoltaic sector in Europe work in the installation of solar
modules. These jobs are bound to demand in Europe, which is not technology related but
depends on public incentives. Hence, an extension of the RoHS directive will have only
negligible effectson European labour market.
3.3. Effects on environmental and climate targets
Analyses over the complete life-cycle of photovoltaics have shown that emissions of
greenhouse gases, air pollutants (SOx, NOx), and heavy metals are insignificant in
comparison to the emissions that they replace when introduced in average European and U.S.
grids(Fthenakis et al. 2008). This is true regardless of the PV technology selected.
Among PV technology options, thin-films require lower material and energy inputs in the
production process. Consequently, CdTe PV induce substantially less emissions (GHG,SOx,
NOx, heavy metals) life-cycle wide per KWh produced than non thin-film silicon-based PV
(Fthenakis et al. 2008). However, it is not clear how CdTe PV performs in those terms
compared to thin-film silicon-based technologies. In any case, the gap must be smaller than
with non thin-film alternatives.
Photovoltaics will continueto play an important role in the rise of renewable energies and in
Wuppertal Institute 2010 9
climate change mitigation. Therefore, supply of PV systems needs to be able to meet demand
even if the scope of the RoHS directive is extended. The global market for photovoltaics
shows today an oversupply that is larger than the share of CdTe technology in that market
(Beyer et al. 2009). Current competitors of CdTe technology have the capacity to buffer in the
coming years any drop in supply due to a ban on cadmium. Future new entrants with
technologies in R&D today will also increase the offer in the coming decade.
Expected levels of demand will be met with or without CdTe PV. In general, PV technology
will also continue to improve towards lower per kWh impact than the existing options
(Raugei and Frankl 2009). Climate targets that for a part rely on the development of
photovoltaics will not be adversely affected by the extension of the RoHS. Overall sustainable
development goals will be positively affected.
4. Conclusions
The conclusion of this position paperis that no matter how low potential environmental and
health impacts may be under normal operating conditions of CdTe PV, it is not a valid
argument against the extension of the RoHS directive to photovoltaics. Cadmium and lead in
market products should be substituted when substitutes exist, which is the case for
photovoltaics. It is the essence of the RoHS directive. Recycling is not a realistic option
because it is only a question of time until cadmium modules and lead solders are widely
banned and it is quite open which kind of photovoltaics we will use in 25 or 30 years.
Cadmium and lead should not spread in EEE, but need to be disposed of safely.
CdTe solar cell technology is only one of many PV technologies. A ban on CdTe PV will not
end the development of photovoltaics. The main goal of the application of PV is the reduction
of greenhouse gasemissionsfrom electricity production as an important part of sustainable
development. But today’s discussion on climate change inadequately limits the focus. The
best way towards environmental protection and sustainable development is not limited to the
cheapest possible PV.
Producers of CdTe PV and users of lead-solders have preferred collective and individual
protection mechanisms to substitution. This is against the widely accepted order of priority
for protection measures. It is inherently safer to prevent the use of a hazardous material,
which reflects the rationale of the RoHS directive. If a hazardous material is used, even if
there is an established recycling concept, there is still a risk of losses during the use phase and
recycling processes, and in countries receiving EU exports the establishment of a functioning
PV recycling may take still some decades. The extension of the RoHS will ensure that
existing cadmium-free solar cells and lead-free solders alternatives are used and further
developed in photovoltaics.
Wuppertal Institute 2010 10
5. References
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Fthenakis, V et al. (2008) Emissions from Photovoltaic Life Cycles. Environmental Science &
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Gillette, R. (2010) Statement of Robert Gillette, Chief Executive Officer, First Solar before
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