Monday, January 25, 2016
PV Gap
Reference number
PVRS 5A: 2003
Description: Battery, Photovoltaic cells, Electric Power Systems
©PV GAP 2003 Copyright - all rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
PV GAP Secretariat c/o IEC Central Office
3 rue de VarembĂ© - PO Box 131 - 1211 Geneva 20 – Switzerland
Tel: 41 22 919 02 16 Fax: 41 22 919 03 00 E-mail:
PRICE: Electronic version free of charge
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -2-
01. Introduction 4
0.2 Committee membership 4
0.3 PV GAP’s photovoltaic Recommended Specifications 4
1. Scope 5
2. Normative references 5
3. Definitions 6
4. General operating conditions 8
5. Capacity 10
6. Endurance in cycles (battery life) 11
7. Charge control 12
8 Charge retention 12
9. Charge efficiency 12
10. Over-discharge protection 13
11. Mechanical endurance 13
12. Qualification test procedure 14
13. Accuracy of measuring instruments 15
14. Preparation and maintenance of test samples 15
15. Capacity test 15
16. Charge efficiency test at low state of charge conditions 16
17. Cycling endurance test 18
18. Charge retention test 19
19. Marking and Documentation verification 19
Annex A (informative), Classification of tests 21
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -3-
1) PV GAP (Global Approval Program for Photovoltaics) is a not-for-profit international
organization, dedicated to the sustained growth of global photovoltaic (PV) markets to
meet energy needs world-wide in an environmentally sound manner. Its mission is to
promote and encourage the use of internationally accepted standards, quality
management processes and organizational training in the design, fabrication, installation,
sales and services of PV systems. To this end, it partners with PV related industries,
international organizations, testing laboratories, government agencies, financing
institutions, non-governmental organizations, and private foundations, in developing and
developed countries.
2) PV GAP co-operates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in
respect of standardization (principally with IEC Technical Committee N°82, Solar
Photovoltaic Energy Systems) and certification (presently with the IEC Quality
Assessment System for Electronic Components, IECQ-CECC. From January 2004, cooperation with IECQ-CECC will be transferred from IECQ-CECC to the IEC System for
Conformity Testing and Certification of Electrical Equipment and Components (IECEE)).
PV GAP publishes specifications that have been developed and recommended by
experts from the PV industry and other organizations, to be used as interim,
recommended specifications until the corresponding IEC standards can be completed.
The acceptance of these PV GAP “Recommended Specifications”is voluntary. PV GAP
only recommends these specifications but disclaims any liability for their utilization.
It should be noted that, as soon as a corresponding IEC standard is issued, the PV GAP
“Recommended Specification”is withdrawn. This is announced on the PV GAP website, together with information about the new IEC standard.
3) The present PV GAP Recommended Specification has been endorsed by the PV GAP
Technical Committee, and approved by the PV GAP Executive Board. Members of the
Technical Committee and the Executive Board bodies are listed on the website
4) General enquiries about PV GAP may be addressed to the publisher, which is the PV
GAP Secretariat, c/o IEC Central Office, 3 rue de Varembé, Box 31, CH 1211 Geneva
20, Switzerland, E-mail, TP +41 22 919 02 16, TF +41 22 919 03 01.
The publisher will be pleased to receive any comments from users of this PV GAP
Recommended Specification. All comments will be acknowledged.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this PV GAP
Recommended Specification, the publisher can accept no responsibility for any errors
that may have occurred.
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -4-
Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is a parastatal under the Ministry of Tourism,
Trade and Industry established by the Act of Parliament of 1983, of the Laws of Uganda.
(i.) a member of International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and
(ii.) a contact point for the WHO/FAO Codex Alimentarius Commission on Food Standards, and
(iii.) the national Enquiry Point on TBT.SPS Agreements of the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
The work of preparing Uganda standards is carried out through Technical Committees. A
Technical Committee is established to deliberate on standards in a given field or area and
consists of representatives of consumers, traders, academicians, manufacturers, Government and
other stakeholders.
Draft Uganda standards adopted by the Technical Committee are widely circulated to
stakeholders and the general public for comments, which are reviewed before recommending
them to the National Standards Council for declaration as national standards.
Batteries for photovoltaic systems are widely used especially because the national electricity
grid has not reached many parts of the country. The harnessing of solar energy can greatly raise
the standards of living in those areas. The use of these batteries for domestic lighting, power and
pumping is to be encouraged.
It is with this in mind that it has been found necessary to prepare this standard.
The following organisations were represented on the Technical Committee
Physics Department, Makerere University Kampala- Chairman
Department of Electrical Engineering, Makerere University Kampala
Uganda Telecom Limited
Uganda Electricity Distribution Company
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development
Uganda Photovoltaic Pilot Project for Rural Electrification (UPPPRE)
Solar Energy (U) Limited
Uganda Renewable Energy Association (UREA)
MAGRIC (U) Limited
Lwanga Electronics and Electrical Machinery
Uganda Batteries Limited
! " #
The PV GAP Technical Committee (TC) is an open ended Committee. Membership of the PV
GAP TC is open to any qualified person from any country with interest to help to develop a
consensus for a proposed PVRS. After the TC reaches consensus, the PVRS draft is submitted to
the PV GAP Executive Board for approval.
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -5-
! "
#" $
This PVRS gives general information relating to the requirements of lead-acid batteries
used in photovoltaic (PV) solar energy systems and the test procedure applied for the
verification of battery performance needed to determine whether a battery is well fitted
for solar PV application.
This PVRS does not include specific information relating to battery sizing, method of
charge or PV system design.
NOTE 1: This PVRS is also applicable to modified lead-acid car/automotive batteries intended
for use in PV systems.
NOTE 2: Batteries qualified to this PVRS are suitable for PV application. The test applied for
obtaining the PV GAP mark for batteries is intended to qualify batteries for PV
application. Whether or not a battery in real application operates according to
specification and to client satisfaction can only be verified in conjunction with the
system set up. For the application in PV stand-alone Solar Home Systems (SHS),
such a performance test is under consideration in IEC TC 21 and should be
published in the near future as IEC 61427 2
NOTE 3: This PVRS fills a gap in qualifying lead-acid batteries to be used in PV application. In
the future, three standards will cover the issue in completely qualifying batteries as a
type approval for specific PV application: (i) IEC 62093, “Balance of System (BOS)
components for PV systems –design qualification natural environments”, Second
Committee Draft (CD2), under consideration. This standard will be used to qualify
batteries with regard to safety, shipping compatibility etc; (ii) This PVRS is intended
to separate batteries suitable for PV application in general for PV application from
batteries which are not suitable, with a minimal test requirement with regard to cost
and time, and (iii) type approval tests, which qualify the battery to work in conjunction
with the other system components in system configuration (for Solar Home System a
type approval test is in preparation to be published).
%" &
The following normative documents contain provisions, which, through reference in this
text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. For dated references,
subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply.
IEV 60050(486):1991,
IEC 60051-2:1984,
IEC 60359:1987, &
IEC 60485:1974,
' '
' '
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -6-IEC 60721-1:1990, $
IEC 60896-1:1987,
IEC 60896-2:1995,
IEC 61836:1997:
For the purpose of this PVRS, the definitions and terms applicable to secondary cells
and batteries as given in IEC 60050(486), those for photovoltaic generator systems as
given in IEC 61836 as well as the following definitions apply.
3.1 duty cycle
sequence of operating conditions to which a cell or battery is subjected. This includes
factors such as charge and discharge rates and conditions, depth of discharge,
numbers and types of cycles, temperatures and length of time in open circuit state
3.2 duty cycle capacity
capacity of a cell or battery required to meet the duty cycle requirements
3.3 ampere-hour capacity
the number of ampere-hours which a cell or battery can deliver under specified
conditions, i.e. charging conditions, the rate of discharge, temperature and final voltage
3.4 battery capacity
the total number of ampere-hours that can be withdrawn from a fully charged battery at
a given rate of discharge to a specified cut- off voltage
3.5 C10
the rated capacity of a battery specified at a constant discharge current which would
fully discharge the battery in 10 h
3.6 days of autonomy
the number of days which a fully charged battery can support the load with no power
received from external sources e.g. photovoltaic (PV) array
3.7 deep cycle battery
a battery, which is designed so that up to 20 % of the rated ampere-hours can be
removed on a regular daily basis without damage or unduly shortening life
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -7-3.8 end-of-charge voltage
the cell or battery voltage at which charging is normally terminated by the charging
source or continued at constant voltage condition
3.9 rated capacity
the full amount of energy a battery can deliver when fully charged and when discharged
down to a minimum cut-off voltage under specified conditions of temperature, current
and final voltage
3.10 terminal voltage
the voltage across the terminals at any time, whether the battery is charging,
discharging, or in open circuit
3.11 charging and discharging efficiency test
the efficiency test which is carried out in such a manner that the specimen in the state
of full charge is discharged to the cut-off voltage of discharge, charged from this state
by an ampere-hour equal to the discharged ampere-hour, then discharged again to the
cut-off voltage of discharge
3.12 PSOC (partial state of charge) efficiency test
the efficiency test, which is carried out over a range of charging state, specified, by
taking the operation under the partial state of charge (or discharge), which occurs
under the service conditions in a photovoltaic system into consideration
3.13 PSOC (partial state of charge) cycle number test
the test which is carried out to confirm the operation for photovoltaic system by means
of the charge and discharge pattern estimated from the solar radiation conditions in
typical SHS application, typically in tropical areas, by taking the operation under the
partial state of charge (or discharge) which occurs under the service conditions in a
photovoltaic system into consideration
3.14 PSOC (partial state of charge) ampere-hour efficiency
the ratio of the discharged ampere-hour to the charged ampere-hour obtained in A.5
PSOC efficiency test
3.15 PSOC (partial state of charge) watt-hour efficiency
the ratio of the discharged watt-hour to the charged watt-hour obtained in A.5 PSOC
efficiency test
3.16 partial discharge end voltage
the voltage at which the discharge shall be completed in A.5 PSOC efficiency test
3.17 partial charge end voltage
the voltage at which the charge shall be completed in A.5 PSOC efficiency test
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -8-("
A battery in typical stand-alone photovoltaic system operating under average site weather
conditions may be subjected to the following condition:
4.1 Autonomy time
Batteries are used to supply energy under specified condition for period of time from 1 day to
15 days with minimum or almost zero solar irradiation.
4.2 Typical charge and discharge current
Typical charge current generated by the photovoltaic generator, especially often found in Solar
Home System (SHS) applications
a) Typical maximum charge current I20= C20/20 h
b) Typical average charge current I50= C50/50 h
Discharge current determined by the load
Typical average discharge current I120= C120/120 h
Depending on system design, the charge and discharge current may vary in a wide range.
4.3 Daily cycle
The battery is normally exposed to daily open cycle with:
Charging during daylight hours
Discharging during night time hours
Typical daily discharge can be in the range of 2 % to 20% of the battery capacity
4.4 Seasonal cycle
Battery may be exposed to a seasonal cycle of state of charge because of varying average
charging condition as follows.
In the period of low solar irradiation, for instance during rainy season, stand-alone system will
yield low energy production. The state of charge of the battery (available capacity) can go
down to 20 % of the rated capacity.
Periods with high solar radiation as in dry seasons will bring the battery up to complete or
almost fully charged condition. Under these conditions, the battery can get overcharged if not
properly operated by the charge controller.
4.5 Period of high state of charge
During dry seasons with high solar irradiation, for example, the battery will be operated at a
high state of charge typically between 80% and 100 % of rated capacity.
A voltage regulator system normally limits the maximum battery voltage during the recharge
NOTE: In a self-regulated PV system the battery voltage is not limited by BCR but by the
characteristic of the PV modules.
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -9-The system designer normally chooses the maximum battery voltage with regard to the
conflicting requirement of recovering to maximum state of charge as early as possible in the
charging season but without substantially overcharging the battery. The overcharge increases
gas production resulting in water consumption in vented cells. In valve regulated lead-acid
cells, the overcharge will cause increase in gas emission and heat generation. Typically the
maximum cell voltage is limited to 2.4 V per cell for lead-acid battery. Some battery regulator
allows the battery voltage to exceed these values for a short period as an equalizing or boost
charge, which can also help avoiding stratification. Temperature compensation should be used
if the operating battery temperature deviates significantly from 20 C.
4.6 Period of sustained low state of charge
During period of low solar irradiation, the energy produced by the solar array may not be
sufficient to recharge the battery. The battery state of charge will then decrease and the
cycling will take place at low state of charge.
4.7 Stratification electrolyte
Electrolyte stratification may occur in lead-acid battery. In vented lead acid battery electrolyte
stratification can be avoided by electrolyte agitation or periodic over-discharge while in service.
What ever the battery type, vented or sealed, flat or tubular, one of the key words is
stratification. It relates to both the battery and the charge control strategy. If one lets the
electrolyte stratify, with a poor recharge, one will get irreversible sulphation, and therefore a
quick irreversible capacity decrease.
4.8 Transportation
Batteries are often operated in inaccessible sites, remote and difficult to reach by
transportation. Batteries may therefore be subjected to a degree of rough handling on their
journey to the site. Suitable packaging to protect the batteries may be used during
Lead-acid batteries may also be transported in dry condition with electrolyte transported
separately. When lead-acid batteries should be transported in wet condition, it is
recommended only for site, which is not so far away and accessible. Filled batteries should be
charged completely prior to delivery, since new owner may over-use the PV system in the first
days. Starting already with a poorly charged battery can, unless weather is very favourable
and permits fast and complete recharge, lead to quick irreversible capacity decrease.
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -10-4.9 Storage
Manufacturer’s recommendation for storage should always be observed. In the absence of
such information, typical climatic condition may be assumed to be those shown in table 1.
Battery storage period
Battery type
With electrolyte
Lead-acid -20 C to 40 C <95 % up to 6 month
1 –2 years
Table 1 Temperature range of battery storage environment condition
For batteries delivered ready filled and charged
Ambient temp. during storage Maximum storage time before recharge
20°C6 months 30°C4 months 40°C2 months Filled and charged batteries required periodic recharging. Battery manufacturer should be
consulted for interval and method of recharge. A loss of capacity may result from exposure of a
battery to high temperature and humidity during storage.
NOTE 1: avoid direct exposure to sunlight during storage of the batteries.
NOTE 2: batteries should always be fully charged prior to delivery and installation in a
system, except if dry transportation is preferred.
4.10 Operating temperature
Environmental temperature constitutes an important factor in battery selection and determining
the age of battery. The following climatic condition should be considered.
Battery type Temperature range Humidity
Lead acid -20 C to +40 C < 95%
Table 2. Temperature range of battery condition
Capacity refers to the number of ampere-hours that a battery can yield for a given end-ofdischarge voltage and current and varies with the conditions of use such as electrolyte,
temperature, discharge current and final voltage.
Normally manufacturers of lead-acid batteries publish the rated capacity for 10 h discharge.
The capacity for a 120 h and 240 h discharge time shall also be provided by the manufacturer,
as these times are commonly used in PV typical applications.
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -11-Capacity Current
Final voltage
Ah A h Lead-acid, Volts per cell
C240 I240 240 1,90
C120 I120 120 1,85
C10 I10 10 1,75
Table 3 –Typical capacity ratings of batteries in solar applications
+ ,
The cycle endurance is the ability of a battery to withstand repeated charging and discharging.
Normally the cycle endurance is given for cycles with a fixed depth of discharge and with the
battery fully charged in each cycle. The batteries are normally characterized by the number of
cycles that can be achieved before the capacity has declined to 80 % of the rated capacity as
per table 3 below. In all cases, the number of cycles is based on a depth of discharge of 20%.
The established cycle tests are specified in
IEC 60896-1 for stationary lead-acid batteries (vented types)
IEC 60896-2 for stationary lead-acid batteries (valve-regulated types)
In photovoltaic applications the battery will be exposed to a large number of shallow cycles but
at a varying state of charge. The cells or batteries shall therefore comply with the requirements
of the test described in clause 15 of the present specification, which is a simulation of the PV
system operation. The manufacturer shall specify the number of cycles the cells or batteries
can achieve before the capacity has declined to 80 % of the rated capacity when tested in
accordance with clause 15
Battery type Number of cycles
SLI modified 1000
SLI low maintenance 1200
Sealed lead acid 3000
Tubular 5000
Table 3 –Number of cycles to be achieved by solar batteries
NOTE: SLI is an acronym for “Starting, Lighting and Ignition”, and is normally
referred to as a “car “or “automotive”battery
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -12--"
Excessive overcharge does not increase the energy stored in the battery. Instead, overcharge
affects the water consumption in vented batteries and consequently the service interval. In
addition valve-regulated lead-acid batteries may dry out resulting in a loss of capacity or
Overcharging can be controlled by use of proper charge controllers.
The parameters of the regulator shall take into account the effects of the PV generator design,
the load the temperature and the limiting values for the battery as recommended by the
Vented lead-acid batteries shall have sufficient electrolyte to cover at least the period between
planned service visits. Overcharge in valve-regulated lead-acid batteries shall be carefully
controlled to reach optimum lifetime.
The water consumption is measured during the cycle test (see 15.5) and can be used together
with the system’s design information to estimate the service intervals.
The charge retention is the ability of a battery to retain capacity during periods of no charge,
i.e. when not connected to a system, during transportation or storage. A battery for solar
application shall show a high capability of charge retention. The charge retention shall be
stated by the manufacturer and shall meet the requirements of the relevant battery standard.
NOTE: Charge retention may affect the permitted storage and autonomy time.
Two types of efficiencies are considered:
Faradaic efficiency: (Ah efficiency) =
Energy efficiency: (Wh efficiency) =
The objective of such measurements is to assess the battery efficiency at different states of
charge. The charge efficiency is the ratio of the quantity of electricity delivered during the
discharge of a cell or battery to the quantity of electricity necessary to restore the initial state of
charge under specified conditions (see IEV 486-03-09).
NOTE: Normally data of battery efficiency are often given in Ah and refer to the
Faradaic efficiency: (Ah efficiency). The quantity of electricity is then
expressed in amperes-hours (Ah).
Discharge capacity (Ah) x Discharge potential (V)
Recharge capacity (Ah) x Recharge potential (V)
Discharge capacity (Ah)
Recharge capacity (Ah)
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -13-Where no data are available from the battery manufacturer, the following (Faradaic)
efficiencies as given in table 4 may be assumed.
State of charge
lead-acid cells
90 % >85 %
75 % >90 %
<50 % >95 %
Table 4 –Typical battery Ah-efficiencies at different states of charge at 20 C and a cycle depth
of less than 20 % of the rated capacity.
The data collected during the efficiency tests leads to the following:
Efficiency values are higher when the cycling is performed at the lower SOC. There is a
slight decrease as the average SOC increases. When the gassing voltage is reached, the
decrease becomes higher.
The efficiency depends on the previous history of the battery, efficiency values are higher
when the previous cycle is performed at a higher average SOC than the new cycle and
lower when the previous cycle is carried out at a lower average SOC. This could be seen
as a kind of a "memory effect".
The faradaic efficiency may exceed 100 % when both previous conditions are met: low
SOC and higher previous SOC.
Lead-acid batteries shall be protected against over-discharge to avoid capacity loss due to
irreversible sulphation. This can be achieved by a low voltage disconnect that operates when
the design maximum depth of discharge is exceeded (for final voltages, see table 3).
##" 1
Batteries for solar application shall be designed to withstand mechanical stresses during
normal transportation and handling. Additional packing or protection may be required for offroad conditions.
Particular care shall be taken while handling unpacked batteries. Manufacturer instructions
shall be observed.
In case of specific requirements regarding mechanical stresses, such as earthquakes, shock
and vibration, these should be individually specified or referred to the relevant product
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -14-#%" 2!
To qualify a battery for PV application, a series of total 4 tests must be carried out. The test
flow diagram gives an overview, and the individual tests are described further below.
, Clause 15, max
5 cycles at full charge/discharge
cycle, from 14.5 to 10.8 V at I = 0.1
C10. Pass/Fail : capacity > 95% mfg
value & 5 samples within 5% range
under low
SOC conditions, clause 16,eff-value
average 3d and 4
cycle; Pass/fail
5% of mfg data & 3 samples within
5% range
, clause 17,
50 deep cycles, from 10.8 to 14.5 V;
pass/fail delta C for first 15 cycles <
15% and 50 cycles < 25% & all 3
samples within 5% range
Visual inspection, reporting
End of test
, Clause 18,
batteries left open circuit for 60 days,
keep surface clean, cal. remaining
capacity/initial capacity > 40%
3 ) 4
Fully charge batteries clause 15.2
Checking document, marking, visual
3 Batteries 2 Batteries
Fully charge batteries, clause 15.2
Fully charge batteries, clause 15.2
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -15-#'" 5 ! !
When testing batteries, the parameters and accuracy values given in table 5, shall apply.
Parameters Accuracy
Voltage ±1 %
Current ±1 %
Temperature ±2 C
Electrolyte density (vented batteries only) ±0,005 kg/l
Time ±0,1 %
Table 5 - Accuracy of measuring instruments
The accuracy of the measuring instruments when conducting tests shall be in compliance with
the relevant IEC standard:
IEC 60051-2 and 60485 for voltage measurements;
IEC 60051-2 and 60359 for current measurements.
#(" 3
Test samples shall be prepared in accordance with the following established procedures in the
following standards:
IEC 60896-1 for stationary lead-acid batteries (vented types);
IEC 60896-2 for stationary lead-acid batteries (valve-regulated types);
The test sample shall be set up in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Any special
conditions affecting the operation of the battery on site may also need to be included in the
Placing of Batteries During Tests.
Throughout the duration of the tests, the battery shall be placedin a water bath at a
temperature of 25 2 C. The terminal base of the battery shall be at least 15 mm but no more
than 25 mm above the level of the water. If several batteries are in the same water bath, the
distance between them shall be at least 25 mm.
15.1 Batteries shall be prepared in accordance with clause 14.
15.2 The test shall be carried out on new and fully charged batteries. Charging shall be done
as follows: charge with I = 0.1 * C10 until V>14.5 Volts, and then charge during another
3 hours at 14.5 V.
15.3 The battery shall then be discharged within about 10 hours after fully charging at a
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -16-current IN= 0.1 * C10 until the terminal voltage falls to 1.8 volts per cell or 10.8 Volt for
12V block. This current should be kept constant ± 1% during discharging.
Note: Manual setting of discharge current is only admitted if tolerance will not exceed
+/- 1%, which requires very attentive surveillance during the test period.
15.4 The voltage between terminals of the cells or battery shall be either recorded
automatically against time or taken by reading from a voltmeter. Readings shall be
made at least at 25%, 50% and 80% of the calculated discharge time;
t = (hour)
and then at suitable time interval, which permits detection of the transition to the final
discharge voltage Vakh. The voltage values may be used to calculate the energy
efficiency of a battery.
15.5 The uncorrected capacity C (Ah) at the average temperature of 25°C is then calculated
as a product of discharge current (in Ampere) and discharge time (in hour); Ca= In t in
A new battery being repeatedly charged and discharged shall supply at least:
Ca= 0,95 Cnom+/- 5% at the first cycle
Ca= Cnom+/- 5% at or before fifth cycle
If the rated capacity as declared by the manufacturer is not achieved, the
charge/discharge cycle shall be repeated maximal five times.
3 6 "
Batteries are considered to pass this test if
(i) the rated capacity is within +/- 5% of manufacturer’s specification in any of the first
five-charge/discharge cycles and
(ii) the values from the five test samples are within a band of plus/minus 5% of the
average value calculated from the five values of the five tested batteries.
An efficiency test procedure under low states of charge assesses the ability of batteries to
deliver during discharge the energy previously charged in.
16.1 Cycling conditions:
Initial cycle: recharge according to 15.2 until 100 % of SOC,
discharge at 0.1 C/10 until 1.8 V per cell (= 0 % of SOC). This current should be kept
constant ± 3% during discharging
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -17- recharge at 0.1 C/10 (rated C/10) until 50 % of the rated C/10 capacity value is reached.
This current should be kept constant ± 3% during charging.
discharge at 0.1 C/10 (rated C/10) until 1.8 V per cell. This current should be kept constant
± 3% during discharging.
An average efficiency value shall be calculated from the 3
and 4
cycle efficiency values.
16.2 Cycling duration:
If the efficiency values are stable after four cycles, then the average value can be calculated
from the efficiency values obtained at the 3
and 4
If the efficiency values are not stable after four cycles, max. additional 5 cycles will be
needed until two consecutive values are constant (difference less than 5 %).
Fig: Cycling conditions of the low state of charge efficiency test procedure.
16.3 Pass/Fail:
(i) Batteries are considered to pass this test if the measured efficiency is within +/-5% of the following values:
Flat plates batteries Tubular plates batteries
0.96 0.94
0.89 0.84
" #
100 %
1.8 Vpc
0.1 C/10
10 h
2 h
0.1 C/10
5 h 5h
1 cycle
50 %
2 h
2 h
0.1 C/10
5 h
3 cycles
0.1 C/10
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -18-and
(ii) the values from the three test samples are within a band of plus/minus 5% of the
average value calculated from the three values of the three tested batteries.
This test is an accelerated cycling endurance test to eliminate unsuitable batteries for
solar applications with a test period in less than 1 000 hours, or than 1.5 month. The
acceleration test method is based on a cycling close to nominal C10 capacity, but
limited to 50 cycles. (The acceleration test is NOT based on cycling at elevated
temperature). The large cycle amplitude has also the advantage that each cycle is
almost a complete capacity test. This has the positive consequences that subsequent
capacity tests are not necessary, since each cycle is almost a full capacity test and can
be used to plot capacity versus number of cycles.
17.1 Batteries should be prepared in accordance with clause13.
17.2 The test shall be carried out on new fully charged batteries. Charging shall be done as
follow: charge with I = 0.1 * C10 until V = 14.5 Volts, and then charge during another 3
hours at 14.5 V.
17.3 The battery shall then be discharged within about 9 to 10 hours after fully charging at a
current IN= 0.1 * C10 until the terminal voltage falls to 10.8V. This current should be
kept constant ± 3% during discharging. Capacity in Ah of discharge shall be calculated.
17.4 The battery shall then be recharged with I = 0.1 * C10 until V=14.5 Volts. This current
should be kept constant ± 3% during charging. Continue charging for a further 30
minutes for equalizing, prior to starting the discharging phase.
Steps 17.3 and 17.4 shall be repeated 50 cycles. Of each of the first 20 cycles, and
then minimal of each of the 5
cycle of C10 capacity values shall be plotted against
number of cycles.
3 6
Batteries are considered to pass this test if:
(i) Capacities between 1
and 15
cycle does not decrease by more than 15% and
(ii) Capacity between 1
and 50
cycle does not decrease by more than 25%.
(iii) The values from the three test samples are within a band of plus/minus 5% of
the average value calculated from the three values of the three tested batteries.
Note: The battery at this point has seen 5 deep cycles from the initial capacity
test, 5 partial cycles from the efficiency test and 50 deep cycles from the
accelerated cycling endurance test.
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -19-#."
18.1 Surface of specimen, clean and dry the surfaces
18.2 Ambient temperature during storage, (25 ± 5)
18.3 Fully charge battery according to 15.1 and 15.2.
18.4 Storage period, 60 days with the circuits open. Do not carry out auxiliary charge before
commencement of discharge.
18.5 Capacity test after storage
18.6 Obtain the charge retention characteristics from the following formula
(1) 100
STcharge retention rate,
Ca capacity measured before storage in capacity test (Ah)
r capacity measured after storage without auxiliary charge (Ah)
3 6 8Batteries are considered to pass this test
(i) if ST is> 40% and
(ii) the values from the two test samples are within a band of plus/minus 5% of the
average value calculated from the two values of the two tested batteries.
#/" 1 9
19.1 Each battery shall be clearly and permanently marked with the following information:
a) The name of the manufacturer or supplier or his trademark, country of origin
c) Type of battery (e.g. deep cycle, vented)
d) Date of manufacture
e) Rated capacity C10
f) Nominal voltage
g) Recommended maximum voltage
h) Recommended minimum voltage
19.2 Information to be supplied by the manufacturer or supplier
The manufacturer or supplier shall give the following information:
a) recommended depth of discharge
b) cycle life and condition of testing
c) maximum charge voltage, float voltage and load disconnect voltage
d) temperature compensation curves
e) type of battery cell
f) density of electrolyte
g) documented battery recycling program
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -20-The manufacturer shall advise if there are special considerations for the initial charging of
batteries with only the solar array available as the power source (should be avoided for SHS
3 6 :
Batteries are considered to pass this test if marking and documentation is within
specification given above. Minimal documentation as required in 19.2 must be also in
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -21-5
: 5 +
Tests are classified as stated below.
A.1 Rated capacity test
The test to confirm the rated capacity stated on the nameplate or the like in such a
manner that the specimen is discharged at the rated discharge hour rate current to the
specified cut-off voltage of discharge.
A.2 Ten-hour rate capacity test
Such a test that the capacity of a lead-acid battery with rated capacity different from 10-hour rate capacity is measured at 10-hour rate current.
A.3 Charge retention rate test
Such a test that the specimen is allowed to stand after complete charge for a certain
period, then discharged, and the charge retention rate is obtained from the difference
between the capacity before standing and the capacity after standing.
A.4 Charge and discharge efficiency test
Such a test that the specimen is discharged from the state of full charge to the cut-off
voltage of discharge, charged by an ampere-hour equal to the discharged ampere-hour
in the above procedure, then discharged again to the cut-off voltage of discharge, and
the charging and discharging efficiency is obtained from the charged ampere-hour and
the discharged ampere hour.
A.5 PSOC (partial state of charge) efficiency test
The test for measurement of the charging and discharging efficiency over the specified
range of charged state.
A.6 PSOC (partial state of charge) cycle number test. The test to confirm that the specimen
operates without any trouble as the lead-acid battery for photovoltaic system by means
of the charge and discharge pattern estimated from the solar radiation conditions in the
place of use.
A.7 Over-charge life test
The accelerated life test by overcharge to evaluate the life of positive electrode grid.
A.8 Over-discharge test
The test for performance of recovery from over-discharged state.
A.9 Gas recombination efficiency test
The test to evaluate the ability to return oxygen gas and hydrogen gas produced during
charging of a sealed type lead-acid battery to water by means of recombination or
absorption of oxygen gas into the cathode (negative pole).
PVRS 5A © PV GAP: 2003 -22-A.10 Safety valve operation test
The test to verify the operation of safety valve attached to a sealed type lead-acid
battery, which is the target.
A.11 Explosion-proof test
The test to verify explosion-proof performance of exhaust part.
A.12 Splash-proof test
The test to verify the amount of dilute sulphuric acid splashed out of the battery at
A.13 Acceptance test, factory test
The acceptance test shall be agreed between the customer and the supplier.
Compliance to marking and labeling or capacity rating may be checked.
Commissioning test
A.14 A commissioning test is recommended to prove the integrity of the installed battery
system by means of a capacity test.
msc 031205
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